At present I have to say C & W are making the running in the race to normalise birth. Firstly the hospital saw a healthy increase in home birth rates recently, not by accident but thanks to a pro-active midwife, Anne-Marie Mathews. Secondly there are plans to put up a lovely poster headed "Birth matters: keep it natural" in the labour ward which gives easy quick advice for increasing your chances of a normal birth.
A lead midwife, Annabel Bryant, has designed the poster and it just beautifully sums up what I do with a client in nine simple bullet points! I am so thrilled by this idea that I hope she won't mind me repeating the list here:
· Encourage me to stay upright and mobile
· Help me to adopt comfortable positions
· Coach me with my breathing and relaxation techniques
· Support me with massage
· Offer me immersion in water
· Play the music of my choice
· Keep the lights low
· Respect my privacy and dignity